Hello Sunset Marina Association Owners,

Happy Memorial Weekend!   Dock Master Mark and Assistant Dock Master Skyler are here at the marina to assist you with getting your vessels in the slip and tied up according to the Rules and Regulations.  If you have any questions please ask them.

VERY IMPORTANT, this year we have noticed new boats arriving in the marina.  It turns out that owners are buying boats that extend more than 3 feet beyond the dock slip.  If you own a 24′ slip, the boat CANNOT exceed 27′.   If you own a 30′ slip, the boat CANNOT exceed 33′.   If you own a 40′ slip the boat CANNOT exceed 43′.  As the HOA Manager it is my duty to enforce the rules.  These rules have not changes since you purchased your slip.  You may be asked to sell your current slip and purchase a slip that will fit your vessel.   When ordering or purchasing a boat, measure the overall boat length which is from the bow tip (if you have a bow anchor start there) to the end of the outboard engine or swim step.  DO NOT GO BY MANUFACTURES MEASUREMENTS!!!  A new boat may have the measurements in an illustration but the outboard engine company will have additional measurements and you will need those specifications to add to the overall length of the boat.

This issue, we are working on as a Board and information will be forthcoming on how we will deal with vessels that do not fit in the slip you purchased.

Have a great weekend and we will see you in the marina!

Sandy Day